Let's take a walk along the Riverfront Trail and see all the work that has been accomplished. In May we put in benches And secured them A “before picture” of the entrance to the Riverfront North Trail at the ball fields An “after picture” after cutting back the sides at the trails entrance.. une 2024 Preparing this site to help in controlling this area by first cutting down invasive Japanese Knotweed Joe Maleady and Matt Brown. in May 2024 working on a section of the Riverfront North trail along the river. September and we are working on repairing some fencing. In November 2024 right before we planted another tree… still looking good from all the invasive knotweed we removed. Joe Maleady & Matt Brown preparing area for a new tree - a Pagoda Dogwood. Nov 2024 And the Pagoda Dogwood is in! And the work continues...Joe Maleady and Guy Nordoff cutting back invasives at the entrance of Riverfront South in November. Joe Maleady and Guy Nordoff cutting back invasives at the entrance of Riverfront South in November. Almost done for the season! Removing invasive vines from the trees on the Riverfront South Trail Take a picture walk through this year to see all the work we have accomplished along the Riverfront Trail!