In order to begin our fence restoration, we needed to clear away and ocean of fallen leaaves! Michael, our long-term River Walk Intern, was glad to have many hands to help with this ambitious first step We teamed up to cram as many leaves as we could into each bag. It took many hands and many bags! Then the heavy bags were carried to a nearby pick-up truck, we will deliver these to a nearby composting site, and the emptied bags will be reused. Old Posts were removed by Greenager Trail Crew members. After removing leaves and the old wattle and posts, new holes needed to be prepared to receive new posts. New posts and wattle materials were harvested and donated by a River Walk Volunteer. It took a strong team to prepre the site for the 50+ holes needed to complete the circumference of the wattle fence. Each post was carefully set, and then pounded into place to provide a stable structure. Finally! it was time to begin wattling! Armfuls of fresh wattling material were transfered to the sight to be woven between posts. Volunteers paired up to begin the weaving of each sapling between the support posts. Extra posts were stock piled for another project by Luka, River Walk Greenagers Intern. April removed a dead branch from the Oak Tree to keep the area below safe. Our group of 11 volunteers consisted of our River Walk Greenager Intern Team, Greenager Americorp Trail Crew, and Community Volunteers. Wattle Material was donated by a local land-owner.