Save A Tree: a Hands-On Workshop with Tom Ingersoll

Start Date
End Date


A River Walk learning event focused on the best care and maintenance of large trees.

Many of us have favorite trees within the community. Trees that we value and check in on when we are in their neighborhood. Trees that are large, historic, and significant in the landscape. The Red Oak on Bridge Street, adjacent to River Walk is one of these special community trees.

Beside the river, trees have an enormous ecological impact, join us to help ensure that the health of this valuable tree is protected and supported. Join us and learn the steps you can use to provide the best care for trees in your own yard.

River Walk is honored to host Tom Ingersoll for this hands-on workshop that will provide tree-lovers with the steps needed to encourage the health of large trees.

This event is provided in collaboration with:

All are invited to come, learn, and lend a hand.  To register, email us at: 

Meet for this event in the W.E.B Du Bois River Park located in the downstream section of Great Barrington River Walk.

Upstream, visitors can explore a self-guided "Tree Trail".  Downstream, new tree labels have been posted, creating a River Walk Arboretum.

And earlier that day, kids and their families can attend:

2019 River Walk Kids and Nature Storytime Series: Tree Time – from roots to leaves and nooks and crannies!

Hardworking volunteers bask in the joy of a job welldone!