The extensive improvement work at Lake Mansfield has begun. Please plan for road closure and changes in walking routes as needed.
The Lake Mansfield project is getting under way, and Lake Mansfield Road will close Monday, Nov. 6 to make way for construction and improvements.
The projects consists of culvert replacements, recreational improvements and parking improvements, and Lake Mansfield Road will become a walking path that is closed to traffic, except for a driveways serving a couple properties on north end and for emergency use.
During construction access to the certain properties on Lake Mansfield Road will be maintained from either the north end, from Dehon Road and or from the south end and boat ramp area, with accommodations for emergency vehicles (including removable portable barriers.) As the direction of emergency access changes during the project through the winter, the town will notify all emergency services.
The project completion date is projected for June 2024, when the main access for the properties on Lake Mansfield Road will be from the north and Dehon Road, The walking path will be wide enough for emergency vehicles.
As a note, Knob Lane will be one way from Castle Hill (except for emergencies). This means traffic approaching the boat ramp will need to turn around to exit and not go over Knob Hill in attempts to get to back to Castle Hill, and signage will be in place to instruct the public. We have signed this route to make the public aware of the one way section. Other signage will indicate that from intersection of Castle Hill and Lake Mansfield Road to the boat ramp there is no outlet.
Remember, safety first!
NO THROUGH TRAFFIC; access to Lake Mansfield Recreation Area is closed to all vehicles EXCEPT those that need to access the private residence at 30 Lake Mansfield Road.
Walking, biking and fishing access may be closed at times to maintain a safe worksite.
You can help: support the work ahead by keeping away from active work sites, plan for alternative routes to accommodate this ongoing work to improve water quality, restore habitat on the lake edge, and change the road from the boat launch to the beach area into a accessible pedestrian trail.
Meanwhile, after receiving permission from the town DPW and Conservation Commission, GBLC volunteers began improvements at the Boat Launch to improve the habitat and prepare the area for a new bench. SEE PHOTOS
For more information, read our prior blog: Great Barrington Awarded Second Grant for Lake Mansfield Area Improvements
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