Dear Friends,
On Saturday May 20, River Walk had the opportunity to celebrate the spring like we never have before-with a unique musical experience of expressive music and dance.
Thank you, Sam Rosen, for having the idea and envisioning what such an event could be.
Thank you Jessica, Senta, Richard, Zach, Naomi, and Kiven for filling the River Walk with soft stands of music and dance. You helped us hear the natural sounds of the river, as if for the first time.
Thank you, Elia and Donovan for making sure the River Walk trail looked its best.
Thank you, Great Barrington Land Conservancy and CDCSB for sponsoring this maiden journey, providing outreach, refreshments, and busily seeing to every detail.
We hope this will be the first of many musical offerings to come. Meanwhile, check out River Walk's upcoming events!
Christine Ward, River Walk Future Fund
Rachel Fletcher, River Walk,,