23 valiant explorers paddled and hiked their way from River Walk, a National Recreation Trail, along the Housatonic River "trail" to the Appalachian Trail, a National Scenic Trail. Some of them even took a plunge! The trip was challenging due to river conditions and weather, and it was encouraging to see the great spirit of adventure and good will that marked the day. The Sheffield Land Trust provided midway refreshments and information about their ongoing Tree Project.

We had this note from an enthusiastic paddler/hiker Judith Ahrens: "Doug and I have no suggestions for improvement. Our dunking in the river has even given us a vivid memory of Doug's birthday and a fine tale to tell our friends.The snacks and lunch were most welcome and delicious. And kudos to the organizer of this event."

After the first expedition departed 12 more explorers, including our distinguished State Representative, Smitty Pignatelli, joined Bernie Drew for an informative loop walk to learn about the our Great Barrington history along the eastern bank of the Housatonic River. Great stories were shared about the original Bridge Street bridge, the many phases of development at the old Log Home site, the old Milk Exchange, and past riverside merchant family. We also learned about the old Rubber Factory and the inventions of William Stanley. Everyone was invited to a picnic lunch provided by event sponsor Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire (CDC)
This GB Trails collaborative effort was made possible by: Great Barrington Land Conservancy, Berkshire Natural Resources Council, Housatonic Valley Association, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Greenagers, The Great Barrington Historical Society, the Sheffield Land Trust and the Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire . Our next collaborative Adventure is our Great Barrington Appalachian Trail Community Day on Saturday July 22nd and don’t miss our Guided Tree Walk at River Walk on July 15th. Each and every month, Great Barrington Land Conservancy has an adventure for you!